HTML Basics For Beginners: Part Three Image Styling

In this series of tutorial articles, we’ve covered HTML basics like how to Embed Links In Your WordPress Website, and How To Style Text In Your WordPress Website. Now we’re taking a look at our <img> tags (for images).

WordPress allows us to simply upload and manage all our media content, but sometimes we need a little extra style thrown into the mix. We’ll be taking a look at how the <img> tag is used, and how we can make a few simple styling modifications on-the-fly.

So let’s first examine how WordPress inserts the <img> tag when an image is uploaded and Inserted Into The Post. Here is what the HTML will usually look like after “Insert Into Post” is selected after an image is uploaded. I have also chosen not to include a link, and the none option was selected for the alignment.

<img src="" alt="" title="photo_helicopterbunny" width="450" height="333" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-725" />

What will be

If you’ve already read the previous two articles, one thing that may stand out about our <img> tag is that there is no </img>. This is because the <img> tag isn’t surrounding anything other than the attributes contained within the tag itself (i.e. href, width, height, title, alt and class). We will notice, however, that at the end of the tag there is a /> that closes the <img> tag specifically. Let’s mess around with some of the attributes to see how we can change the image…

<img src="" alt="" title="Cutest Bunny Ever" width="225" height="166" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-725" />

What will be

Please take note of the changes made to the title, width and height attributes. The href was left the same, still linking to, but let’s make a change to a different (perhaps even cuter photo. Hit it!)

<img src="" alt="" title="A Bunny Under A Pile Of Kittens" width="468" height="316" class="alignnone size-full wp-image-725" />

What will be

Here we see that I’ve changed the href attribute to link to another image that has not been uploaded on our server (hence, no… in our href attribute).

Most likely, you’ll be using your images around text in your WordPress posts and pages, so let’s see how we can have both displayed properly.

<img src="" alt="" title="Cutest Bunny Ever" width="225" height="166" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-725" /> Pardon my Greek, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis placerat mauris ut sem auctor ut consequat nisl dignissim. Maecenas aliquet, nisi eu elementum porta, orci mauris porta urna, euismod condimentum urna ligula vel urna. Integer eu turpis ac ligula adipiscing bibendum ac ut sem. Aenean vestibulum felis lacinia augue laoreet congue. Phasellus ultricies convallis lacus, nec pharetra tortor commodo sit amet. Sed imperdiet, magna facilisis dignissim eleifend, mi felis sodales mi, et rhoncus turpis nulla a tortor. Integer pretium lacinia facilisis. Maecenas vitae tempus nulla. Duis hendrerit, nulla quis tristique fringilla, sapien odio convallis odio, eu hendrerit dui odio iaculis odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

What will be

Pardon my Greek, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis placerat mauris ut sem auctor ut consequat nisl dignissim. Maecenas aliquet, nisi eu elementum porta, orci mauris porta urna, euismod condimentum urna ligula vel urna. Integer eu turpis ac ligula adipiscing bibendum ac ut sem. Aenean vestibulum felis lacinia augue laoreet congue. Phasellus ultricies convallis lacus, nec pharetra tortor commodo sit amet. Sed imperdiet, magna facilisis dignissim eleifend, mi felis sodales mi, et rhoncus turpis nulla a tortor. Integer pretium lacinia facilisis. Maecenas vitae tempus nulla. Duis hendrerit, nulla quis tristique fringilla, sapien odio convallis odio, eu hendrerit dui odio iaculis odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

You’ll notice that the class attribute in my <img> is has ‘alignleft,’ the alignment option that I selected before I inserted the image into my post.

Let’s see what is displayed when I have my image in the middle of the text…

Pardon my Greek, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis placerat mauris ut sem auctor ut consequat nisl dignissim. Maecenas aliquet, nisi eu elementum porta, orci mauris porta urna, euismod condimentum urna ligula vel urna. Integer eu turpis ac ligula adipiscing bibendum ac ut sem. <img src="" alt="" title="Cutest Bunny Ever" width="225" height="166" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-725" /> Aenean vestibulum felis lacinia augue laoreet congue. Phasellus ultricies convallis lacus, nec pharetra tortor commodo sit amet. Sed imperdiet, magna facilisis dignissim eleifend, mi felis sodales mi, et rhoncus turpis nulla a tortor. Integer pretium lacinia facilisis. Maecenas vitae tempus nulla. Duis hendrerit, nulla quis tristique fringilla, sapien odio convallis odio, eu hendrerit dui odio iaculis odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

What will be

Pardon my Greek, lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Duis placerat mauris ut sem auctor ut consequat nisl dignissim. Maecenas aliquet, nisi eu elementum porta, orci mauris porta urna, euismod condimentum urna ligula vel urna. Integer eu turpis ac ligula adipiscing bibendum ac ut sem. Aenean vestibulum felis lacinia augue laoreet congue. Phasellus ultricies convallis lacus, nec pharetra tortor commodo sit amet. Sed imperdiet, magna facilisis dignissim eleifend, mi felis sodales mi, et rhoncus turpis nulla a tortor. Integer pretium lacinia facilisis. Maecenas vitae tempus nulla. Duis hendrerit, nulla quis tristique fringilla, sapien odio convallis odio, eu hendrerit dui odio iaculis odio. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae.

So to sum up what we’ve covered, let’s take one more look at the <img> tag and it’s attributes:

<img src="" alt="" title="Cutest Bunny Ever" class="alignleft size-full wp-image-725" />

What will be

  1. The tag starts with: <img
  2. src=””, is the URL to the image file.
  3. alt=””, alternate text visible if/when an image doesn’t load properly.
  4. title=”Cutest Bunny Ever”, title that will appear when the user rolls over the image
  5. width=”225″, width in pixels
  6. height=”166″, height in pixels
  7. class=”alignleft size-full wp-image-725″, the class that WordPress applies to your image based on your options selected before inserting into post. (e.g., alignleft, alignright, alignnone, etc.)
  8. The tag ends with />

I hope this has been a helpful article regarding updating the images in your WordPress website. We’re always looking for ways to enhance our tutorials, so if you have an idea, or an issue let us know!