A Bravo Design, Inc. Update

Bravo Design, Inc. is proud to announce that it has completed development and launched websites for three of our clients in the last week.

Bootsy Bellows was the first to go up. It’s a nightclub owned and run by actor David Arquette and members of h.wood group, Darren Dzienciol, John Terzian and Brian Toll. Located on Sunset Boulevard in West Hollywood, the club has made a huge splash in the short time it’s been open boasting celebrity guests like Robert Pattinson, Katy Perry, Justin Bieber, his girlfriend, Selena Gomez and many more.

The second was for The Son of an Afghan Farmer, a film written and directed by Matthew Levin. The movie follows Muhad, a student from Afghanistan who comes to college in California but is recalled back prematurely, and the changes he undergoes trying to live and thrive in between those two very separate worlds.

Finally, the website of Los Angeles based director / cinematographer Mark A. Ritchie was given a redesign. Mark favors simple, clean designs and took a minimalist approach to his website. The site exists to showcase his excellent work, and he doesn’t want any other design elements interfering with it.

Our regular visitors might notice that we redesigned our site. Love it? Hate it? Let us know in the comment section below.

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